
(Last Updated On: )


  • setuid/setgidをしたシェルスクリプト
  • 信頼できない入力を処理するシェルスクリプト


  • sshなどでリモートコマンドを実行するスクリプト
  • 処理を書き出して実行するスクリプト




UNIX Power Toolsによるとシェルの特殊文字には以下のようなモノあります。

Character	Where		Meaning	
ESC		csh		Filename completion.
RETURN		csh, sh		Execute command.
space		csh, sh		Argument separator.
TAB		csh, sh		Argument separator.
TAB		bash		Filename completion.
#		csh, sh		Start a comment.
`		csh, sh		Command substitution (backquotes).
"		sh		Weak quotes.
"		csh		Weak quotes.
'		sh		Strong quotes.
'		csh		Strong quotes.
\		sh		Single-character quote.
\		csh		Single-character quote.	
$var		csh, sh		Variable.
${var}		csh, sh		Same as $var.
$var:mod	csh		Edit var with modifier mod
${var-default}	sh		If var not set, use default.
${var=default}	sh		If var not set, set it to default and use that value.
${var+instead}	sh		If var set, use instead. Otherwise, null string.
${var?message}	sh		If var not set, print message (else default). If var set, use its value.
${var#pat}	ksh, bash	Value of var with smallest pat deleted from start.
${var##pat}	ksh, bash	Value of var with largest pat deleted from start.
${var%pat}	ksh, bash	Value of var with smallest pat deleted from end.
${var%%pat}	ksh, bash	Value of var with largest pat deleted from end.
|		csh, sh		Pipe standard output.
|&		csh		Pipe standard output and standard error.
^		sh only		Pipe character (obsolete).	
^		csh, bash	Edit previous command line.
&		csh, sh		Run program in background.
?		csh, sh		Match one character.
*		csh, sh		Match zero or more characters.
;		csh, sh		Command separator.
;;		sh		End of case statement.
~		csh, ksh, bash	Home directory.
~user		csh, ksh, bash	Home directory of user.
!		csh, bash	Command history.
-		Programs	Start of optional argument.
-		Programs	Read standard input. (Only certain programs.)
$#		csh, sh		Number of arguments to script.
"$@"		sh		Original arguments to script.
$*		csh, sh		Arguments to script.
$-		sh		Flags set in shell.
$?		sh		Status of previous command.
$$		csh, sh		Process identification number.
$!		sh		Process identification number of last background job.
$<		csh		Read input from terminal.
cmd1 && cmd2	csh, sh		Execute cmd2 if cmd1 succeeds.
cmd1 || cmd2	csh, sh		Execute cmd2 if cmd1 fails.
$(..)		ksh, bash	Command substitution.
((..))		ksh, bash	Arithmetic evaluation.	
\. file		sh		Execute commands from file in this shell.
:		sh		Evaluate arguments, return true.
:		sh		Separate values in paths.
:		csh		Variable modifier.
[]		csh, sh		Match range of characters.
[]		sh		Test.
%job		csh, ksh, bash	Identify job number.
(cmd;cmd)	csh, sh		Run cmd;cmd in a subshell.
{}		csh, bash	In-line expansions.
{cmd;cmd; }	sh		Like (cmd;cmd) without a subshell.
>file		csh, sh		Redirect standard output.
>>file		csh, sh		Append standard output.
<file		csh, sh		Redirect standard input.
<<word		csh, sh		Read until word, do command and variable substitution.
<<\word		csh, sh		Read until word, no substitution.
<<-word		sh		Read until word, ignoring leading TABs.
>>! file	csh		Append to file, even if noclobber set and file doesn't exist.
>! file		csh		Output to file, even if noclobber set and file exists.
>| file		ksh, bash	Output to file, even if noclobber set and file exists.
>& file		csh		Redirect standard output and standard error to file.
m> file		sh		Redirect output file descriptor m to file.
m>> file	sh		Append output file descriptor m to file.
m< file		sh		Redirect input file descriptor m from file.
<&m		sh		Take standard input from file descriptor m.
<&-		sh		Close standard input.
>&m		sh		Use file descriptor m as standard output.
>&-		sh		Close standard output.
m<&n		sh		Connect input file descriptor n to file descriptor m.
m<&-		sh		Close input file descriptor m.
n>&m		sh		Connect output file descriptor n to file descriptor m.
m>&-		sh		Close output file descriptor m.






       %q     Output the corresponding argument in a format that can be
reused as shell input



printf -v host "%q" "$1"
printf -v ip "%q" "$2"




$ printf -v v "%d" "123abc"; echo "$v"
-bash: printf: 123abc: 無効な数字です

$ printf -v v "%d" "x01234"; echo "$v"
-bash: printf: x01234: 無効な数字です

$ printf -v v "%d" "0x1234"; echo "$v"
$ printf -v v "%f" "123.456abc"; echo $v
-bash: printf: 123.456abc: 無効な数字です

$ printf -v v "%f" "123.456"; echo $v

$ printf -v v "%f" "123e10"; echo $v


  • %b – Print the argument while expanding backslash escape sequences.
  • %q – Print the argument shell-quoted, reusable as input.
  • %d%i – Print the argument as a signed decimal integer.
  • %u – Print the argument as an unsigned decimal integer.
  • %o – Print the argument as an unsigned octal integer.
  • %x%X – Print the argument as an unsigned hexadecimal integer. %x prints lower-case letters and %X prints upper-case.
  • %e%E – Print the argument as a floating-point number in exponential notation. %e prints lower-case letters and %E prints upper-case.
  • %a%A – Print the argument as a floating-point number in hexadecimal fractional notation. %a prints lower-case letters and %A prints upper-case.
  • %g%G – Print the argument as a floating-point number in normal or exponential notation, whichever is more appropriate for the given value and precision. %g prints lower-case letters and %G prints upper-case.
  • %c – Print the argument as a single character.
  • %f – Print the argument as a floating-point number.
  • %s – Print the argument as a string.
  • %% – Print a literal % symbol.




printf -v quoted_args '%q ' "$@"
ssh somehost 'bash -s' <<EOF
command $quoted_args


※ これはサンプルコードです!! $@で全ての引数をそのまま渡すようなプログラムだと簡単にSSRFに脆弱なプログラムになります。勿論ですがエスケープなしのパラメータ引渡しは論外にNGです。


       -s        If the -s option is present, or if no arguments remain after option processing, then commands are read from the standard input.  This option allows the positional parameters to be set when invoking an interactive shell or when reading input through a pipe.




$ printf -v v "%q" "abc def"; echo $v
abc\ def

$ printf -v  v "%q" "abc def"; echo "$v"
abc\ def



参考 – コマンドライン引数によるコマンド実行





投稿者: yohgaki