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今すぐできる、Webサイトへの2要素認証導入2要素認証のTOTPとHOTP、どちらがより安全か?で紹介したGoogleAuthenticatorですが、ソースコードを確認ところタイミング攻撃に脆弱でした。Pull Requestを後で送る予定ですが、利用される場合は脆弱性を修正してから使ってください。






     * Check if the code is correct. This will accept codes starting from $discrepancy*30sec ago to $discrepancy*30sec from now
     * @param string $secret
     * @param string $code
     * @param int $discrepancy This is the allowed time drift in 30 second units (8 means 4 minutes before or after)
     * @param int|null $currentTimeSlice time slice if we want use other that time()
     * @return bool
     */    public function verifyCode($secret, $code, $discrepancy = 1, $currentTimeSlice = null)
        if ($currentTimeSlice === null) {
            $currentTimeSlice = floor(time() / 30);
        for ($i = -$discrepancy; $i <= $discrepancy; $i++) {
            $calculatedCode = $this->getCode($secret, $currentTimeSlice + $i);
            if ($calculatedCode == $code ) {
                return true;
        return false;


            if ($calculatedCode == $code ) {





※ バイト単位で比較されるかはlibcのmemcmp()の実装によります。




PHP 5.6以降であれば

            if ($calculatedCode == $code ) {


            if (hash_equals($calculatedCode, $code)) {

$calculatedCode、$code共に6桁の整数です。PHP 5.6未満であれば整数として比較すればタイミングセーフになります。

            $code = (int)$code;
            $calculatedCode = (int)$calculatedCode;
            // Make sure $calculatedCode is non-zero.
            if ($calculatedCode && $calculatedCode === $code)) {


        if (strlen($secret) != 6) {
            return false;

        for ($i = -$discrepancy; $i <= $discrepancy; $i++) {
            $calculatedCode = $this->getCode($secret, $currentTimeSlice + $i);
            $code = (int)$code;
            $calculatedCode = (int)$calculatedCode;
            if ($calculatedCode && $calculatedCode == $code ) {
                return true;






参考:gitのglibcのmemcmp()は以下のような感じで実装されています。このブログによると2010年の段階では多くプラットフォームがタイミング攻撃に脆弱です。Linux 64bit環境memcmp()はバイト単位でタイミングに対して脆弱ではなかったようです。64bit環境のLinuxユーザーは神経質にならなくても良いでしょう。BSD系では別のアプローチで明示的にタイミングセーフなメモリ比較関数が用意されてる物があります。これは恐らく、64bit環境でも8バイト単位に分割してタイミング攻撃ができ、これも脆弱なのでいっそメモリ比較全体をタイミングセーフにしてしまうべき(この方が安全)、という考え方だと思います。環境によって影響は異りますが、認証などクリティカルなコードを書く開発者は今後もタイミング攻撃脆弱性に注意する必要があります。

/* memcmp_common_alignment -- Compare blocks at SRCP1 and SRCP2 with LEN `op_t'
   objects (not LEN bytes!).  Both SRCP1 and SRCP2 should be aligned for
   memory operations on `op_t's.  */static int
memcmp_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len)
     long int srcp1;
     long int srcp2;
     size_t len;
  op_t a0, a1;
  op_t b0, b1;

  switch (len % 4)
    default: /* Avoid warning about uninitialized local variables.  */    case 2:
      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 -= 2 * OPSIZ;
      srcp2 -= 2 * OPSIZ;
      len += 2;
      goto do1;
    case 3:
      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 -= OPSIZ;
      srcp2 -= OPSIZ;
      len += 1;
      goto do2;
    case 0:
      if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0)
 return 0;
      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      goto do3;
    case 1:
      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 += OPSIZ;
      srcp2 += OPSIZ;
      len -= 1;
      if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0)
 goto do0;
      /* Fall through.  */    }

      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      if (a1 != b1)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1);

      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[1];
      if (a0 != b0)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a0, b0);

      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[2];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[2];
      if (a1 != b1)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1);

      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[3];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[3];
      if (a0 != b0)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a0, b0);

      srcp1 += 4 * OPSIZ;
      srcp2 += 4 * OPSIZ;
      len -= 4;
  while (len != 0);

  /* This is the right position for do0.  Please don't move
     it into the loop.  */ do0:
  if (a1 != b1)
    return CMP_LT_OR_GT (a1, b1);
  return 0;

static int memcmp_not_common_alignment (long, long, size_t) __THROW;

/* memcmp_not_common_alignment -- Compare blocks at SRCP1 and SRCP2 with LEN
   `op_t' objects (not LEN bytes!).  SRCP2 should be aligned for memory
   operations on `op_t', but SRCP1 *should be unaligned*.  */static int
memcmp_not_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len)
     long int srcp1;
     long int srcp2;
     size_t len;
  op_t a0, a1, a2, a3;
  op_t b0, b1, b2, b3;
  op_t x;
  int shl, shr;

  /* Calculate how to shift a word read at the memory operation
     aligned srcp1 to make it aligned for comparison.  */
  shl = 8 * (srcp1 % OPSIZ);
  shr = 8 * OPSIZ - shl;

  /* Make SRCP1 aligned by rounding it down to the beginning of the `op_t'
     it points in the middle of.  */  srcp1 &= -OPSIZ;

  switch (len % 4)
    default: /* Avoid warning about uninitialized local variables.  */    case 2:
      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b2 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 -= 1 * OPSIZ;
      srcp2 -= 2 * OPSIZ;
      len += 2;
      goto do1;
    case 3:
      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp2 -= 1 * OPSIZ;
      len += 1;
      goto do2;
    case 0:
      if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0)
 return 0;
      a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 += 1 * OPSIZ;
      goto do3;
    case 1:
      a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b3 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 += 2 * OPSIZ;
      srcp2 += 1 * OPSIZ;
      len -= 1;
      if (OP_T_THRES <= 3 * OPSIZ && len == 0)
 goto do0;
      /* Fall through.  */    }

      a0 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[0];
      b0 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[0];
      x = MERGE(a2, shl, a3, shr);
      if (x != b3)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b3);

      a1 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[1];
      b1 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[1];
      x = MERGE(a3, shl, a0, shr);
      if (x != b0)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b0);

      a2 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[2];
      b2 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[2];
      x = MERGE(a0, shl, a1, shr);
      if (x != b1)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b1);

      a3 = ((op_t *) srcp1)[3];
      b3 = ((op_t *) srcp2)[3];
      x = MERGE(a1, shl, a2, shr);
      if (x != b2)
 return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b2);

      srcp1 += 4 * OPSIZ;
      srcp2 += 4 * OPSIZ;
      len -= 4;
  while (len != 0);

  /* This is the right position for do0.  Please don't move
     it into the loop.  */ do0:
  x = MERGE(a2, shl, a3, shr);
  if (x != b3)
    return CMP_LT_OR_GT (x, b3);
  return 0;

MEMCMP (s1, s2, len)
     const __ptr_t s1;
     const __ptr_t s2;
     size_t len;
  op_t a0;
  op_t b0;
  long int srcp1 = (long int) s1;
  long int srcp2 = (long int) s2;
  op_t res;

  if (len >= OP_T_THRES)
      /* There are at least some bytes to compare.  No need to test
  for LEN == 0 in this alignment loop.  */      while (srcp2 % OPSIZ != 0)
   a0 = ((byte *) srcp1)[0];
   b0 = ((byte *) srcp2)[0];
   srcp1 += 1;
   srcp2 += 1;
   res = a0 - b0;
   if (res != 0)
     return res;
   len -= 1;

      /* SRCP2 is now aligned for memory operations on `op_t'.
  SRCP1 alignment determines if we can do a simple,
  aligned compare or need to shuffle bits.  */
      if (srcp1 % OPSIZ == 0)
 res = memcmp_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len / OPSIZ);
 res = memcmp_not_common_alignment (srcp1, srcp2, len / OPSIZ);
      if (res != 0)
 return res;

      /* Number of bytes remaining in the interval [0..OPSIZ-1].  */      srcp1 += len & -OPSIZ;
      srcp2 += len & -OPSIZ;
      len %= OPSIZ;

  /* There are just a few bytes to compare.  Use byte memory operations.  */  while (len != 0)
      a0 = ((byte *) srcp1)[0];
      b0 = ((byte *) srcp2)[0];
      srcp1 += 1;
      srcp2 += 1;
      res = a0 - b0;
      if (res != 0)
 return res;
      len -= 1;

  return 0;


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